Your order is being processed, and we will ship it very soon. If you ordered something custom that we don’t normally have in stock, it will take 7-14 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) before we can ship it to you.
You will receive a tracking number if you order from our website or on eBay. You will also receive an email notification once your order has been shipped. To check your order status, please log in to your registered account on our website.
If you don’t have an account with us and are a guest without an account on our website, please contact us at to request the tracking number. We appreciate your business and hope you enjoy our products for your Camaro. In 7 days, you will receive an email from us asking for a product review on your purchase. You may receive a discount coupon that can be used for your next purchase.
Thanks to customers like you, 90% of the proceeds are donated to local charities in our area to help those in need. The other 10% is for material and shipping cost. We look forward to serving you again soon.