General Motors and other automakers are closing the door on tuning with encrypted engine and transmission control units, made possible by the cybersecurity fortifications that come with the robust computing power of new vehicle electrical architectures that are rolling out on new vehicles. That’s why companies have to resort to alternative measures to get power from the C8 Corvette, or the Cadillac CT5-V Blackwing. However, the sixth-generation Chevrolet Camaro remains a blank canvas for the aftermarket. With that in mind, DiabloSport Tuning has an OBD-II flash tune made specifically for Chevrolet Camaro pony cars with an LT1 V8 engine. That’s the SS and LT1 trim levels if you’re not sure.

Since 2001, DiabloSport Tuning has had its hands in many different cookie jars when it comes to re-programming or “flashing” vehicle’s computers through their OBD-II port. DiabloSport Tuning’s reputation for giving vehicles more power throughout the powerband and allowing builders to map their own performance adjustments has been revolutionary. Best of all, the tunes are 50 state emissions compliant.

DiabloSport Tuning
Via: DiabloSport

DiabloSport Tuning brings that same revolutionary technology to the forefront for the 2021 Camaro SS/LT1. You can master your turn on three different DiabloSport devices: the Trinity 2, inTune 3, and the Predator 2 Platinum.

Both the DiabloSport Trinity 2 and the inTune i3 offer a color touchscreen interface with WiFi capabilities while supporting the addition of multiple licenses for tuning more than one vehicle per device. The Trinity 2 can also be turned into a full-screen gauge layout with built-in timers and is compatible with EAS (Expandability Accessories System). The Predator 2 Platinum is the last in the bunch and also offers a full-color screen to work with, not to mention an easy-to-use interface and a bundle of options that you will grow to learn and love.

As a builder or tuner, you have options when purchasing your DiabloSport Tuning setup for your Camaro. You can choose to add on things like throttle boost – +/- 20-percent, wide-open throttle timing advance/ret vs. RPM – +/- 10, wide-open throttle fuel control – +/- 20-percent, idle RPM adjust drive/neutral – +/- 400 RPM, adjustable rev limiter – +/- 600 RPM, tire size adjustment, gear ratio adjustment, speed limiter Control, and more.

2022 Chevrolet Camaro LT1 Design Package 3

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